Monday, September 28, 2015

I'm planning on doing a contest with the Arcade so took a lot of the same pic but slightly different.  I'm putting them here so I can compare.

I first started with this.

 The contest parameters is items from 5 different gacha creators from the September 2015 Arcade event.  So that's the haunted creepy doll by DRD.  Trust me it is creepy.  It does a scarey sing song child's voice singing -- eventually I had to turn off my sound so I could work around it.  It's a wonder I don't have nightmares.  The carriage is also DRD.  The trunk is Scarlet Creative, the painting is Pixel Mode. The rugs are 8f8. That makes 4.  I thought the hair was September Arcade which would make it 5 but it turns out it was the Summer Arcade event so I ended up not being able to use this pic. Too bad because I liked it so I redid it with windlight. I thought that was pretty atmospheric.

Haunted 1  -- starting point -- no blood splatter -- was having problems controlling where I laid down -- and when I clicked on something my body would shift in that direction unless it was the rug which would instead bring up the rug's color change menu --  no windlight

Haunted 2  -- tried another position  -- don't like this  as well

Haunted 3 --- another day, tried to match my position from the first day, changed the angle of my feet a little, introduced the blood spatter. I did move the baby carriage out after some consideration

Haunted 4 -- close up. I like this picture better but since one item (the painting with the orange drape) is almost completely cut out of the picture, you can not really see the 5th item
 Haunted 5  -- same close up but cut it a little higher so to see a little more of the painting in the left. I didn't change the lighting in any way but it seems like the doll's face is a tad lighter

Haunted 6 -- moved the chest back a little
Haunted 7, moved viewpoint back a little so painting shows a little more.  Contest rules is that there has to be items from 5 different creators and the last picture needed one more.  Actually I had 5 in the last picture but you can really see the bracelet so adding one more. 

Haunted 8.  Viewpoint a little farther back.  Can see the painting completely now and the urn as well but I don't like it as well.  Does have more of a crime scene photo look though.  Doll's face was too dark in previous photo so added a little light under the doll's chin.

Haunted 9. Now that everything is placed where it should be I added windlight, a fog.  I wanted her lit more and the rest of the room in a more muted color palatte like an abandoned or haunted house.

Haunted 10.  Moved back even moe to see if I could capture the ghost in the mirror.  The mirror is animated so the ghost flickers on and off.  I got lucky and got it on the first shot.

Haunted  11.  This picture wasn't for the contested.  This is an animated gif so that I could capture the ghost flickering on and off.  I took this one for myself.  The piano keys are tapping at the end there too.

Haunted 12. Back to a closer shot to emphasize the doll more. Lost the painting again.

Haunted 13.  Have to end it on the 13th shot.  Seems fitting given the topic

. I was done so time to choose. hmmm.
After all that, I chose Haunted #9 as my photo entry.
It is unlikely I'll win because there were some amazing photos submitted but it was good to get back into photography again.  Plus in SL, there are some elements in photography that makes setting up a studio shot easier --A) props, furniture, etc is much cheaper, lol;   B) the model (me) can change her look quickly and easily.  With my different skin choices, I have a professional make-up artist at my fingertips.  And body -- any size or shape just about.  And hair -- I could rhapsody about the choices of hair I could put on.  It is like Cindy Sherman but she can only change her outfit and hair -- I can change my whole body and face.  Not that you could see my face in this shot but still.  SL is so amazing.

Monday, September 21, 2015


Tonight Winter decided he wanted to teach me to pilot the balloon in case he ever fell out.

Yeah, right!  I can't pilot a balloon.  I'll hit a building or something.

He decided we could do it over Amsterdam.  I really did alright until I landed on the hot dog stand.  Poor thing was crushed.  Then we went back up and he wanted me to land next to his hot tub.  Actually that was a great idea.  I did pretty good with that and landed pretty clothes.  I had a swimsuit ready at hand and relaxed in the water.  Winter had an errand so he joined me a bit later after it was done.  Morella, my kitty, really hates the water so she almost climbed into my hair to make sure she didn't fall in, lol. 

 It gave me a little time, which of course I spent thinking of Winter.  You know that feeling when you get all gooey inside (and then your tits get hard and then you get all gooey, going back and forth) and then suddenly you think, OMG, he's an ex-Gorean slavemaster.  He wrote books on the women he once owned as slaves. Ok, so I didn't read the books but I did read the back blurbs.  Do I really want to read the book to see what he used to be like.  Or just take it day by day and learn the person he is now?  Because a Gorean slavemaster and me? Not.  I'm way too independent and opinionated.  And romantic and gooey which he is not.  He tends to be very straight, very hard edged sometimes.  You should hear about his gym locker -- or not.   Ok, you're thinking a gym locker -- hmm, is it messy/  It's not that.  It's that he said the damn thing can support you in several different positions which of course, no way, I'm not ready.  That thing is definitely not romantic which is good because then I stop being all gooey.  Then he does something sweet and I get gooey again.  I get so confused sometimes.  Geez, how long is his errand going to take!  I  am having way too much time to think here.

Then he comes back, says he met up with Tabbie and her friends at the Kittycat store when he was picking up kibble  (Yeah, right.  She works there.  Of course, he's going to see her there.  You know, suddenly I'm feeling all sarcastic inside.  This really helps.  I like sarcasm.) 

What was interesting to me is that Winter took a picture of us and his picture of me showed the swimsuit giving me a lot more coverage than what I saw which is ok -- interesting though.  His pictures is below.

He's so cute.  He was so eager to get in the water, he jumped in fully clothed.  Are we playing footsies in the water?   He's wearing combat boots and I'm barefoot -- of course not, lol.  Gosh, I'm so glad he's here as we chat about nothing in particular.

Picture taken by Winter Phoenix

Winter took Lisa, Jessica, Kitana and I on a ride to the Prim Factory.

Jessica and Kitana
Winter, me and Lisa

Abandoned at the Prim Factory
Winter says would you like go on a balloon ride. So, of course, I say yes thinking it would be a slow circuit around the island but he heads for the north pole. 

 We finally land at the Prim Factory. You know that place where all the prims are made. Next thing I know he says he has to get going and there will be a ferryboat coming soon. And he's gone leaving me in the middle of nowhere!

The first time Winter took me to the prim factory, I didn't know to increase my draw distance so all I could see was miles and miles of flat ocean. This time with the draw distance increased I could see buildings in the distance. Also with the windlight settings, this time the view was amazing. 

 The first time he gave me a cocktail that had me falling down drunk in no time literally (animation in a drink called Witch's Brew) so maybe I was in no shape to enjoy the view that time. He abandoned me that time too.  Do you know how hard it is to TP home when you are falling down drunk? You try it some time. I honestly didn't think he'd do it again because this time there was a group of us on the balloon -- a DJ, a child, a slavegirl and moi. A motley crew to be sure.  But here I am, standing on the pier alone --- Again! Of course, he did throw the child into the sea and the slavegirl had to go rescue her which is a little hard with chains.  So I guess I shouldn't be surprised he abandoned us.

And then a miracle happens!  Winter offers me a TP -- a bit late but I got a ride home, lol and so did the kid and slavegirl and we landed on a pirate ship.  Oh, the DJ?  She was smart.  She'd already left.  DJ Lisa is very busy so she had another appointment to keep.

And the pirate ship?  Ah, that is a tale for another day.

Lisa came over to visit my treehouse apartment.

Then she had to go DJ at Club Fuzion.  When Winter came on, he was dressed all cowboy.  He gave me a cool outfit -- really sexy!  so I added a skirt to tame it a tad, a cowboy hat and a skull belt and we were ready to go.  We went to hear Lisa play and dance. He's a really good dancer!  And when he holds me close.... sighs.  Sometimes he makes me feel so hot, (starts fanning myself) that he spins me round  (he you-tubed that song to me and it's exactly how he makes me feel. Should I call it our song? 



Playing with windlight settings in Second life

the first picture is me playing a haunted piano with no particular settings

the pictures after that is the same scene but in a fog
dark but atmospheric.



Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Phoenix always finds the most beautiful sims to explore!

We visited Failure to Thrive.
I really love surreal sims

Now this pic my settings were just at my regular settings.  Then when Winter showed me his pic -- the sky and sea was soooo much better

Isn't that amazing!

He added a funny little caption to the image and posted it to photobucket

After Winter had to read, I noticed a sign that said "Info"  which I touched and read.  It told me all about the recommended windlight settings.  So I followed the directions and got the following pictures.  Huge difference!

Monday, September 14, 2015

flash forward

also you are wondering perhaps why I have my blog set as adult, that is more just to be on the safe side.  I am a virgin in SL.  Yeah, really.  That's what happens if you don't talk to anyone for 6 years in SL.  And I was cool with that.  I figured I'd be a virgin forever in SL.  There was no reason not to be.  But Winter and I ... I don't know really what we are ... He calls me his sidekick and gave me a carte blanche to decorate a treehouse apartment for us ... and we've started kissing

 Okay, so the cigarette does have to go.  Hard to kiss someone who is smoking, lol
P.S. If you're thinking you saw this on a previous page -- you did, lol.  I moved the kissing scenes so that the cowboy sim pictures could have their own page.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Dragons and country music

It was fun yesterday.  Have you heard about the Arcade gacha fair?  It's dangerous don't go there!!!

Lisa went and she gave me a lovely purple dragon to drape around my shoulder so of course I had to go and pull the Kataonik lever.  I won an exciting purple one for Winter.

While Winter was chatting with me, the dragons were talking to each other.

The raccoon was not happy.  The dragons scared him!  Look at him hiss and arch his back at the dragons!

The funny thing about the raccoon was that I was wearing it when Winter arrived at the apartment and he didn't even notice it. He did notice the postal shiba dog right away but not the guitar.

but not the raccoon on my head!

Winter doesn't say anything about the raccoon on my head even though his crosshairs are right on my face. Laughing. Various thoughts are running through my mind. Is he blind? or gasp, can it be love? Or is he just too polite to mention it thinking it must be some new girly fashion, lol. He didn't say anything until we were at Sanae's beach 20 minutes later and the dragon were chatting, giggles.

Lisa was DJing at Fuzion so after Sanae's Beach, we went listen to country music.  Amber had been having a hard day so I invited her to join us.

Winter loves to find challenging songs for Lisa to play.  So far she has found every one!  It's fun because a lot of times he requests songs I have never heard before either.
Amie - Pure Prairie League
Pistol Annies - Hell On Heels
 Indian Sunset - Elton John
you'll think of me - keith urban

Amber requested American and then Austrialian country music songs and Lisa found those too.
red solo cup, Toby kieth
brokenheartsville, joe Nichols
 the truck got stuck, corb lund

Aussie country
John Williamson - Little girl from the dryland

My requests were not quite country but Lisa played them for me which I appreciated
Cherokee Nation - Paul Revere and The Raiders
Bob Seger - Turn the Page

amber had to go after a bit but winter and I stayed a while longer, cuddling while we listened

The dragons cuddled too.  I think they like each other.  Maybe they will make little baby hatchlings.  I really hope so.

Winter wanted the dragons to be tucked away but I wasn't so sure.   The dragons made me feel safer, lol.

I really had a good time with Phoenix, Amber and Lisa.  I loved the cuddling too after.  I am getting so comfortable with Winter.  Oh shoot, where did the raccoon go?  He ran away when I sat down at Fuzion.  The dragons were just too much for him!

Arcade Gacha Event September 2015
Gachas shown:
Katat0nik – Dragon Gacha (mystic and red)
Mutresse – Cheeky Raccoons  (lying on head *Rare*)
Theosophy – Get a Load of That Dog (going postal)

Vintage Gacha Event September 2015
Kei's Guitars (skulls)


Sunday, September 6, 2015

August 21, 2015
Our first romantic kiss, we were on a cowboy sim.  It was August 2015. He was dressed as a cowboy.  We had been dancing
Then we flew up high as Phoenix spotted some swings
We swooped down to explore the countryside. I'm a bit like Cher sometimes, I like to do a costume change suddenly to fit the ambiance.  So I did that when I landed.
When Winter takes pics, he really works them.  He took a couple photos and merged them in photoshop and added a couple filters, and viola -- he made a great photograph. You can almost feel the heat of the desert air rising to meet the clouds.
I really love love his creativity and the pictures he makes.  He had made this next one months and months ago but it fits with this cowboy theme so I want to share it with you.
I don't know where that was taken or this where he took this one either
And this next one he did, had a wonderful touch of whimsy (as a Kittycats breeder, it is just so cool to see the kitty)
For those who don't breed kittycats, that's a mega cat and yes they do get that big -- you can ride them like a horse.  Winter did these pictures before we started hanging out everyday.  When he showed me them I just thought they were so amazing, I kept them.  Even though they were taken "live" in Second Life, he adds the painterly quality to them.  I really love his creativity, you know.
Well, back to this day when we were dancing on the cowboy sim.  We stood on the roadside for the bit as Winter did a photoshoot.  Then after, we noticed a telescope.
Winter was right behind me, you can see a bit of his hat.  And right on the other side of th telescope were these two poseballs -- pink and purple soooo
we tried them
He dipped me back. I thought for a minute it would be another tango dance. Then he leaned forward and kissed me.  A shock went through me.  It was so sweet and sexy and hot hot hot! (I was too surprised to take a photo, lol, so this moment is caught in my mind but you can't see it, hah!)
That's when it changed for me, we changed.  We were not just buds hanging out almost daily (by then), we were something else.  We were kissing.
I chose the title "Hold on a Second" as a nod to Second Life but now I'm beginning to think the title may be ironical as I thought I would be a virgin forever in SL.  Now I'm not so sure.  So to be on the safe side, this blog has been marked adult. I still haven't you know ... but now you never know what will happen. I do have that feeling.... Hold on a Second.  (laughs and sighs, feels totally confused)
(Note: if you saw this page before and remember kissing at the top, you aren't going crazy, lol.
I moved the kissing scenes as some people might just like to see the cowboy sim and it maybe a tad distracting to start with kissing on an entirely different day.)