Friday, November 6, 2015


Winter offers to make me dinner.

I like sushi but this is ridiculous.  It's still flipping!  The man can't cook -- rather he didn't!!

Oh good, he just got called into work.  "It's okay, honey. I'll eat your delicious meal and save you some for when you come home."  (Yeah, right.  You really think I'm going to eat it.  As soon as he's out the door, I let the cats back in -- we keep them out of the diningroom while we eat so they won't bug us.)

Pyro does not need a second invite.  He leaps up onto the table to check out the action. Yep, still too much action if you ask me.

Lucy soon joins him.  They are two happy campers.  Better them than me!

 After that slight misadventure, I relax in the onsen near the bay.  The cats elect not to join me.  Each to their own pleasures. I'll take a hot bath over a flippin fish sandwich anyday of the week.  Cats, however, do not agree. Go figure! 

Winter and I relaxed on the dock behind his club.  He pulled out a bottle of ancient Gorean wine and started a lecture on the intricacies of Gorean wine.  I love the guy, but more pour and less talk goes a long ways.  I like to start my wine before the lecture, lol.

Finally he pops the cork and we start sipping.  Ok, forget the sipping, we start drinking.  Wow, for a wine, this stuff packs a punch.  Winter loosens up and shows me some new dance moves he's picked up.

He's a pretty good dancer, don't you think?   

Of course, then he challenges me to show me what I got.

He liked my dancing.  "Styling!", he said.

Okay, maybe not with the exclamation point but he's one of those guys that doesn't show his excitement so much.  The taciturn type (except when he's talking about Gor, then the flood gates open.  I think he misses his homeland.)

Sometimes the best times is just hanging out and talking and dancing and whatever with your ...   Still not sure what we are, lol.  It's cool.  We have fun and share and hang.  Right now it's the best of times.

Monday, November 2, 2015


We go out to Halloween Town.  Winter said he was taking me to a horror flick.  I hate those movies.  They scare me to death.  Imagine my gutwrenching fear when I realized we were on the set and were in the movie!

He enjoyed every minute of it!  Yuk!

Winter owns a bar although it hasn't officially opened.  Still sometimes we hang out there.

There is something cozy about talking in a darkened bar.  The bonus is you have lots of choices of drinks so I had a cocktail.... or two.... or  ... Winter was telling me about his days as a Gorean slavetrader.  Yep, another glass please bartender.  I need a little reinforcement as I listen to the glory days of owning a slave training institution of beautiful girls. Yep, bartender, keep them coming because it sounds like the girl keep ...

Oops, I spilled a drink.  Luckily Winter has extra clothes stashed behind the bar.  Wait!  What is he doing with women's clothes stashed so handily?

I can't get the other sleeve on.  Oh, well. Give me another drink, bartender.  Is this my fifth or seventh?  Oh, hell, who cares.   I start telling Winter about how ... hmmm, what is the ending to this story... I better improvise.  Winter is such a sweetheart, he listens attentively (even if I did pick up on the sarcasm of his listening pose, like a bestie -- he can't help his sarcasm, it's an east coast thing.  He really is listening.  He looks yummy. I wish I could remember the end, though.)

Oh!  this is a great tune!  I jump on the bar and dance.  Winter shakes his head and cuts me off from the booze.  Darn!  I'm not that drunk! ....  Love this song!


I gave Winter an oni mask.  He put it on without even putting down his cigarette, lol.

I have to admit he looked cool with the smoke pouring through his nostrils like he was half dragon.

We did a short photoshoot in my apartment with the creepy doll and the haunted dresser.

Then as Winter moved into kiss me, I fell into his arms,

a flare of heat surged through me as our lips met.  I never even noticed the pig robbing us and escaping with the loot.

Winter caught a flicker of movement from the corner of his eye. So we dashed outside but it was too late.  The pig was long gone.  Darn, that was one wasted diamond heist.  Now what are we going to do for quick cash.  But you know what?  The kiss was so worth it.  I lean back into his arms. I never knew anyone who could make me feel this way.