Monday, September 21, 2015


Winter took Lisa, Jessica, Kitana and I on a ride to the Prim Factory.

Jessica and Kitana
Winter, me and Lisa

Abandoned at the Prim Factory
Winter says would you like go on a balloon ride. So, of course, I say yes thinking it would be a slow circuit around the island but he heads for the north pole. 

 We finally land at the Prim Factory. You know that place where all the prims are made. Next thing I know he says he has to get going and there will be a ferryboat coming soon. And he's gone leaving me in the middle of nowhere!

The first time Winter took me to the prim factory, I didn't know to increase my draw distance so all I could see was miles and miles of flat ocean. This time with the draw distance increased I could see buildings in the distance. Also with the windlight settings, this time the view was amazing. 

 The first time he gave me a cocktail that had me falling down drunk in no time literally (animation in a drink called Witch's Brew) so maybe I was in no shape to enjoy the view that time. He abandoned me that time too.  Do you know how hard it is to TP home when you are falling down drunk? You try it some time. I honestly didn't think he'd do it again because this time there was a group of us on the balloon -- a DJ, a child, a slavegirl and moi. A motley crew to be sure.  But here I am, standing on the pier alone --- Again! Of course, he did throw the child into the sea and the slavegirl had to go rescue her which is a little hard with chains.  So I guess I shouldn't be surprised he abandoned us.

And then a miracle happens!  Winter offers me a TP -- a bit late but I got a ride home, lol and so did the kid and slavegirl and we landed on a pirate ship.  Oh, the DJ?  She was smart.  She'd already left.  DJ Lisa is very busy so she had another appointment to keep.

And the pirate ship?  Ah, that is a tale for another day.

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